
Get the right care for your child

Indlas Hospitals has been a leading name in the field striving towards positive mental health, taking care of all the psychological disorders and mental illnesses under one roof with highly qualified and well trained team of psychiatrists, clinical and counselling psychologists.

We have been creating happy families, bringing smiles to millions of faces and promoting mental health in the community for over 35 years.

Dr. Indla Rama Subba Reddy Director of Indlas Hospitals is a pioneer and leader in the field of mental health and is the Past President of Indian Psychiatric Society and SAARC Psychiatric Federation.
Dr. Vishal Indla joined him in 2007 and is the chief psychiatrist and Director since then. He has won several accolades in mental health sector.

Indlas Hospitals got accreditation for DNB by National Board Of Examinations, that is, it is recognized as a centre for post graduate training in Psychiatry. We admit 4 students per year and boasts of excellent academics and results and their past students are all placed at various institutions across the country.

We also got recognition by N.T.R University, Andhra Pradesh for Fellowship in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, this is the first hospital in Andhra to get this accreditation.

We have also has opened a 120 bedded rehabilitation centre named “SHANTIVAN” where we admit Patients with chronic psychological conditions and substance abuse.

Indlas Hospitals has a daily OPD of more than 200 patients, an inpatient set up where an average of 50 patients are admitted on any given day.

Since both Indlas Hospitals and Shantivan primary caters to adults, we felt the need to open something for children and adolescents as that was still a big lacuna in our country. We were catering to a lot of children at Indlas Hospitals too.

However, many times parents were reluctant to bring their children to the hospital. Children need a different environment and a lot of trained therapists have to work in collaboration to help children.

We saw parents running to different centres for various therapies like Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy etc. This was leading to burn out in parents.

Keeping all this in mind, ICGC was created in 2015. A centre of excellence that caters to all needs of children and adolescents.

A centre where different therapists work under one roof, a centre which is spacious and child friendly, a place where children felt like home.

ICGC i.e. Indlas Child Guidance Clinics was started in Feb 2015, then in Mumbai in March 2015 and then Vizag in Oct 2019.

What started out as seeing few patients in a month, to now having many new patients daily and more than 100 kids on therapies at each centre, we have come a long way, but we know we have to do more.

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