Get the right care for your child


We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today. -Stacia Tauscher

To a parent, her/his child is the world! Every parent likes to give the best he can do for it, including child care. Child care in today’s world is no child play. Thanks to advances in medicine and technology, we have ample choices and proven methods to help those children who need help. By helping a child, we are not only creating a successful human being but also happy families.

At Indlas hospital (Our 120 bedded excusive Psychiatric hospital which is also a Post Graduate Training Institute in Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh;) after several years of experience we observed two serious short comings that stand as hurdles for a seamless treatment– one, parents’ hesitation to enter a Psychiatric centre, which is seen as a blot. Second, the allied services like Speech Therapy, Special Educator Services, Occupational Therapy, are scattered in town. Parents heave a big relief if these services are under one roof.

With these points in mind, to reach out to every needy child, we designed a concept that removes these hurdles – thus, Indlas Child Guidance Clinic (ICGC) was created – a novel idea, exclusively for the care of the children.

At that time, this concept was relatively new. Especially psychiatrists would not usually venture into exclusive child psychiatry.

Although we faced a lot of difficulties in getting together all services, all therapists, a good space and all essential material for the clinic, we succeeded at the end!

We believe, that in all child psychiatric disorders, the earlier the disorder is diagnosed and earlier the treatment begun, better is the prognosis and outcome for the child.

We established ICGC, Vijayawada and then we decided to expand and open another centre in Mumbai in 2015 and the Vizag in 2019.

ICGC, Indlas Child Guidance Clinic with three full fledged centres, Vijayawada and Mumbai and Vizag is a reality. A centre that offers comprehensive care for children and adolescents, a centre that thrives to provide best quality care under one roof.

At ICGC, we follow treatment protocols of the highest standard . We provide an environment that is child friendly, unlike a usual hospital atmosphere. We provide all that is necessary for comprehensive care, from medication to parental counseling to therapies.We also conduct workshops in important but often ignored areas like parenting, life skills development.

We provide assessment, remediation, counseling all under one roof. We aim to cut down on appointment times, waiting period as we truly value your time.

Our aim at ICGC is to help and reach out to maximum number of children and adolescents and spread happiness in families.

We aim to provide the best care in this field and our clients vouch for that!
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