Medical Management of Child

Get the right care for your child

  • Sometimes, medication is inevitable for certain psychological conditions in children, but parents are apprehensive about starting their young children on medications due to fear of side effects. Our team will assess the need for pharmacotherapy, provide you with best available options, inform you of the potential side effects and will be in close follow up with you and your child once medications are started.

    There are some common myths regarding psychiatric medication:

    • They are addictive
    • They cause sedation
    • Once started, they need to be continued life long
    • They retard growth in kids
    • They turn kids into zombies

    However, in reality, these medications are not addictive, most do not need to be taken life long, most do not cause sedation and they do not retard growth in the long run. Doctor will inform you of the possible side effects and address all your queries before initiating medication.

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